Sunday, January 20, 2013

Angola empata na estreia

Angola não foi além de um empate a zero na sua estreia na edição 2013 do CAN. Os Palancas Negras empataram a zero frente a Marrocos. No outro jogo do Grupo A, Cabo Verde e África do Sul também empataram a zero.


Thursday, January 17, 2013

Pep Guardiola no Bayern de Munique

O treinador espanhol Pep Guardiola será treinador do clube alemão Bayern de Munique na próxima época.

Pep assinou um contrato de 3 anos. Assim o treinador espanhol substituirá Jupp Heynckes que ira reformar-se.

Desejo desde já sucesso ao Guardiola .

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Large business organizations report an escalation in episodes of "desk rage," in which employees or angry ex-employees act out their frustrations violently by disrupting the workplace, and often increasing other workers' alienation in the process. Describe any incidents of "desk rage" that you may have heard about or experienced. What do you think can be done to solve the problems of alienation in the workplace?

According to the Cambridge Dictionary, Desk rage is extreme or violent anger shown by someone at workplace, especially when this is caused by worry or a difficult situation. The occurrence of desk rage is thought to be a function of various sources of stress.  For example, lost tempers, shouting matches and fistfights can be induced by overwork and crowding.
I heard about the following desk rage accident:
Costas worked long hours in cramped quarters at an Internet company in New York.  He continually had to deal with rushed deadlines, but he kept a check on his frustration over the work demands and his work environment.  One day his boss pushed him one time too many and Costas unloaded with an obscenity-laden tirade.  He quit his job one week later commenting, “Sometimes you just snap.
In addition to high work demands, many workers are finding themselves more cramped for space than ever before.  Perhaps due to cost-containment efforts and the price of commercial real estate, the average number of employees per square foot is at a peak level in many office spaces.  In addition, many employees commute long distances and by the time they reach their demanding and cramped work environments, they are already frustrated, if not irate, from battling traffic congestion.  The problem of stress appears to be more of an issue in larger organizations with approximately a third of employees in organizations with more than 1,000 people reporting that they are “at least somewhat” stressed whereas 16 percent of employees in organizations with fewer than 100 people report this level of stress.
A good approach to solving and managing the problems of desk rage should be by limiting working hours. The managers and decision makers need to realize the stressful environment under which the workers are working and should try best to limit the amount of hours being worked.
            Also, periodic relaxation is much needed to ease out the act of desk rage. Desk rage does not occur in a single day incident. Usually it is an accumulated explosion. Hence plan to take a few minutes off work to relax.  For instance, General Motors Corporation offers meditation and tai chi at is workout facilities.  At its tax center in Indianapolis, Ernst & Young has included golfing areas, fish tanks, and a recreation room where workers can nap.

Think about behavior in the context of sporting events. There are some sports, such as swimming and cycling, for which males shave body hair. Is this act seen by the public as a norm violation if it is done to make the athlete perform better?

Although a few people begin life with an unclear sexual identity, the overwhelming majority begin with a definite sex and quickly receive societal messages about how to behave. In fact, virtually all societies have established social distinctions between females and males that do not inevitably result from biological differences between the sexes (such as women's reproductive capabilities).
Gender role is defined as expectations regarding the proper behavior, attitudes, and activities of males and females. The application of dominant gender roles leads to many forms of differentiation between women and men. Both sexes are capable of learning to cook and sew, yet most Western societies determine that women should perform those tasks. Both men and women are capable of learning to weld and to fly airplanes, but those functions are generally assigned to men (Schaefer, 2006).
Sports have commonly been classified as masculine, while some sports are deemed to be feminine. In some aerobic sports like swimming and cycling men have to shave the body, which is one of the rules of this sport competition (Thinking Made Easy, 2009).
One of the main reasons why swimmers shave is to increase their speed. Shaving off body hair makes a swimmer's body smoother, thus creating less drag in the water. Though shaving may only trim a few fractions of a second off a swimmer's finishing time, in a close race, that difference could prove to the margin of victory (Brown, 2012). Besides removing the dead skin cells, shaving body makes the swimmers feel faster in water.
Significantly hairy men may find that their body hair generates a lot of heat, which can lead to excess perspiration and body odor. Shaving armpit hair, chest hair or even hair around the genitals can reduce sweating, and make men feel cleaner, especially in the summer heat (Lynn, 2011).
Society has a lot of stereotype about different gender behavior. Whereas, the public sees shave body as normal process for the swimmers, however when a men is not in a competition they see it as a norm violation, because only girl should shave the pubic hair. Furthermore, one way to see the difference between man and woman is on the amount of the pubic hair, man tends to have more pubic hair than woman.
To sum up, shave body for athletes is not considered as norm violation. Swimmers shave their body to increase the speed, to generate less heat, and also to remove the dead skin cells. Out of competition, man should not shave the body hair, because it is considered a norm violation.

Friday, January 11, 2013

TAAG e o seu péssimo atendimento

A empresa nacional de aviação TAAG parece que não se preocupa em melhorar o seu atendimento.

Para a compra do bilhete de viajem e uma chatice enorme, os clientes devem esperar por uma longa fila debaixo do sol.

Como se não bastasse, temos que aturar a ignorância, e a falta de educação dos velhos trabalhadores...

Wednesday, January 9, 2013

Os 23 do CAN

Os 23 escolhidos por Gustavo Ferrín são os seguintes:Lamá, Landu e Neblú (guarda-redes), Lunguinha, Marco Airosa, Miguel, Bastos, Zuela, Fabrício e Dani Massunguna (defesas), Dedé, Pirolito, Manucho Dinis, Gilberto, Djalma Campos, Mateus Galiano, Geraldo, Mingo Bile, Amaro e Manuel (médios), Manucho Gonçalves, Yano e Guilherme Afonso (avançados).

Fonte: Angonoticias

Foto do dia

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Explain how the issue of sweatshops gives rise to an issue that combines women's rights, immigrant rights, environmental concerns, and human rights.

A sweatshop is a negatively connoted term for any working environment considered to be unacceptably difficult or dangerous, where workers often work long hours for very low pay, regardless of laws mandating overtime pay or a minimum wageChild labor laws may be violated. Sweatshops may have hazardous materials and situations. Employees may be subject to employer abuse without an easy way, if any, to protect them.
The drastic increase and re-surface of sweatshops has been due to the need to increase the economy of a nation and also due to economic globalization.
Several multinational corporations have developed a tradition of moving its production and manufacturing of materials to less developed countries in order to take advantage of cheap labor and to avoid scrutiny from governments and human rights organizations. In these countries, labor unions whose aim is to protect the rights of the workers do not exist, so therefore, the workers who are subjected to harsh working environment, low wages have their human rights violated.

Sweatshops have been a major topic of human rights and women rights violation due to the fact that most of the employees are women who are mostly young and uneducated. Young women throughout the world are exposed to harsh working conditions with countless and frequent injustices because corporations, like those owned by the United States can get away with it. Also, many of these women are undocumented immigrants who are unaware of their legal rights.

Furthermore, sweatshops violate women's human rights throughout the world through the low wages being paid which is unable to meet basic standard of living, low standard and unsafe working and living conditions, long hours of overtime for which employees are not compensated, and frequent sexual harassment. In addition to that, women are often forced into enslavement.

            Also, another issue of sweatshops is the environmental concerns which have arose from their structure of operation. Several Multinationals have been noticed to cause a lot of environmental problems such as contamination of source of water supply and poisoning of the rivers from careless oil spills. These careless actions have hindered and sometimes cost the livelihood of the habitats of an entire city.

Monday, January 7, 2013

Lionel Messi Again

Lionel Messi was nominated the best player of the year, it is the 4th time in row that Lionel Messi wins this award.

2009, 2010, 2011, and 2012. Messi scored 91 goals in 2012 breaking Gerard Muller records that was 75.

Messi is the only player to win it 4 times

Melhor onze de 2012

Acidentes em Luanda

O que fazer para prevenir as mortes dos acidentes rodoviários, que ja e a segunda causa de maior morte no país.

Todos os finais de semana registam -se pelo menos 4 sinistros causando a morte de pelo menos uma pessoa.

Como prevenir esses acidentes?
Educação rodoviária: todos os condutores devem passar em uma escola de condução antes de adquirirem a carta de condução.
Respeitar o código de estrada: os sinais foram colocados por uma razão, por isso os condutores, peões e outros utentes da via publica devem respeitar o mesmo.
Iluminação pública: as vias publicas devem ser iluminadas de forma a evitar os condutores a usarem as luzes máximas.
Manutenção preventiva dos automóveis: os condutores devem fazer a manutenção ou revisão periódica doa seus veículos.
Penalização para os desobedientes: aqueles que não obedecerem as regra devem ser penalizados ou proibidos de conduzir

Lar do Patriota 7 anos depois

Ja lá se foram 7 anos desde que os meus pais pagaram uma casa na cooperativa Lar do Patriota. Logo após a assinatura do contrato entre a Imobiliaria e o mutuário, a Imobiliaria assumiu que entregaria a casa num prazo de 18 meses.

Após 6 meses, a Imobiliaria começou a terraplanagem. 18 meses depois começavam as escavações .

Apenas em 2009 a casa foi erguida, e em 2012 foi entregue a casa.

Empresas, cooperativas e pessoas que apoiam essa iniciativas devem ser punidas, o governo deve proibir a venda de casas antes das mesmas estarem construídas.

Taniesha Breidjford

Réveillon familiar

A passagem de ano foi celebrada de uma forma diferente, com um réveillon familiar. Onde estiveram presente muito dos familiares, a animação esteve a cargo do Dj Tony Fininho.

Aguardamos para a próxima festa

Sunday, January 6, 2013

Pedro Neto Exige Quartos de Final

A selecção nacional de futebol, pelo seu histórico, deve no mínimo chegar aos quartos-de-final do CAN2013 na África do Sul, de contrário a sua participação será considerada um fracasso, afirmou hoje, domingo, o presidente da Federarão Angolana de Futebol (FAF), Pedro Neto.

Fonte: Portal Angop

Thursday, January 3, 2013

Porcelana FC no Girabola 2013

A equipe Do Kwanza Norte, Porcelana Futebol Clube estreia-se na maior competição de futebol nacional. Porcelana Futebol Clube venceu o campeonato nacional da segunda divisão também conhecido como zonal de apuramento.

O Porcelana FC e a segunda equipe da província do Kwanza Norte a disputar o campeonato nacional, após o Eka do Dondo ter feito o mesmo em 1995. 

Nunca duvida da estupidez do angolano,

Mais um episodio estupido acontece na sociedade angola, desta vez a vitima e o meio ambiente. Um elemento que e totalmente desprezado pelo executivo angolano. Razão pela qual, podemos ver a fraca atuação do ministério da tutela e às vezes me pergunto se esse ministério faz mesmo alguma coisa.

Na entrada da ilha de Luanda, que e um local turístico e principal local de lazer dos citadinos esta a ser erguida uma bomba de combustível pertencente à Pumangol.  Em termos de ordenamento do território não prevê construção de infraestrutura dessa vergadura junto as praias.

Por outra, a construção de bombas de combustíveis junto a costa acarreta vários impactos ambientais negativos significativos. Como e o caso da poluição visual, poluição dos solos, e possivelmente poluição das aguas.

A minha questão e, quem aprovou esse projecto? Houve estudo de impactes ambientais? 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

Happy New Year! We pray that you will experience new levels of joy & peace in 2013—expect God to do something great in you this year