Saturday, January 26, 2019

What would we be providing for our children which would impact their world?

Knowing that 80% of the jobs that exist now will not be around when our young children are ready for the job market, we would need to teach them something beyond 1 + 1 and a, b, c.  We would need to instil skills which would help someone succeed in any job like creativity, innovation, determination, cooperation, grit, and, above all, the joy of learning, problem-solving, and creating.

1 comment:

Alda Samutondo Adão said...

Com certeza amor e com a graça de Deus nossos filhos poderão superar todas as batalhas e dificuldades...
Como diz a palavra de Deus...
No mundo terás aflições mas tendes bom ânimo porque eu venci o mundo😍